Restoration Process

Southern California Wildfire Resources

We Help you from start to finish

Our restoration process

  1. Day of Loss

    Contact your insurance company and open a claim. We will board up and secure your property, as needed. Relocate your family and pets.

  2. Site Assessment & testing

    We will order testing for asbestos, lead, and other hazardous materials, as needed.

  3. Photo Documenation & inventory

    Conduct photo documentation and Matterport 3D imaging and begin the inventory assessment process.

  4. Consultation & Assistance

    Meet with a GCCR consultant to assess your options, obtain information on community event resources, and hire GCCR for site clearing and assistance with the reconstruction process while communicating directly with your carrier.

  5. Contract

    Obtain insurance carrier approval for site clearing and debris disposal.

  6. Site Cleanup & Clearance

    Before restoration begins, we clear debris, hazardous materials, and damaged structures to create a safe and stable environment for reconstruction.

  7. Approvals

    Meet with your designer or architect to plan your new home and obtain necessary government approvals.

  8. Construction Preparation

    Hire a general contractor, obtain necessary permits and entitlements, and begin construction.

  9. Construction Process

    Manage the project using Buildertrend software to oversee construction progress and ensure efficient.

  10. QA

    Building process inspections and engineering inspections will be conducted at key stages throughout construction.

  11. Presentation of Home

    Once the restoration of your home is completed, and approved by our QA team, a presentation of your completed home will be scheduled and your home will be "Move in Ready."